Amanda Frey – Amanda Frey

Amanda Frey

Amanda Frey as I get time I will add more to this story. LOVE U THOMAS AND XANDER!

When I needed help no one in my family cared if I lived or died, I didn’t know was there was actually someone there for me the whole time and I just didn’t know. No it wasn’t an invisible person. It was my son Andrew.

This story was going to be about my recovery from depression and the help my family didn’t provide. I was told if I wrote about my depression I was only thinking about myself and being selfish. So this about how a sister and grandmother treats their brother/grandson with a disability, which also coincides with my disability. So actually this now is a story of the life and times of two people.

Andrew my son had something happen in his life in his early twenties, that made him have a disability. He will never know what a first kiss is like, he can’t drive a car, he will never find the dream girl of his life or know what true love is and to enjoy the greatest feeling in life is having a child. “about my sons condition and how his family has made him an outcast, will be brought up later.”

My son didn’t have to google on what to do when someone is depressed or suicidal. He had the gift that some people also have and others don’t. That gift of common sense, compassion and love.

Amanda has a brother named Andrew May, who doesn’t have much to do with her brother either.

Amanda’s brother has a condition called Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and it’s a serious long-term illness.

People with ME/CFS experience a profound fatigue that does not go away with rest, sleep issues and problems with memory or concentration. They are able to do much less than before they became ill.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a serious and often long-lasting illness that keeps people from doing their usual activities.

It makes physical and mental exertion difficult. Symptoms include trouble thinking, severe tiredness and other symptoms.

People with ME/CFS may not look sick but can’t do their normal activities. ME/CFS may get worse after they do any activity — physical or mental. This symptom is called post-exertional malaise (PEM). After they exert themselves, they may need to stay in bed for an extended time. About 1 in 4 people with ME/CFS are confined to bed at some point in their illness.

ME/CFS is a biological illness that affects many body parts. It causes severe fatigue not improved by rest, problems thinking and sleeping, dizziness, pain, and many other symptoms.

ME/CFS often makes it hard to keep a job, go to school, and take part in family and social life. ME/CFS can last for years and sometimes leads to serious disability.

There is no known cause or cure. Patients usually get worse with age and end up staying bed the rest of their lives.

I’m not sure why Amanda doesn’t stay in contact with her own brother? Not much of a sister. More to come.

Depression, Suicidal and Family

Not sure about title yet.

That title defiantly is NOT going to work.

Not sure when I will complete this story, it’s on going. It gets a little depressing to write about my past, when I’m getting better.

This is dedicated to my son Andrew May for without him I wouldn’t be here to see my two grandson Thomas and Alexander.

Why I want to tell my story – Simple, I made it out alive when others didn’t. When you go through hell and plead for help from family, and find out you’re shit of luck. This story also shows how my family treats other family members with disabilities.

The stigma with mental health and people.

There’s three type of people when it comes to mental health, those who are stupid, ignorant “who can learn if they care” or they just don’t give a fuck about you.

My name is Andrew May. My mother Janice May, I have a son Andrew May, daughter Amanda Frey married to Billy Frey and two grandchildren Thomas Frey and Alexander Frey.

Part 1 What a person goes through with depression and suicidal tendencies.

Part 2 The Doctors and treatments – F! doctors. I really need to write about this! tbc real soon!

Part 3 – Support from family members and friends. I’m sure you have seen the news stories of the mother crying about her son who committed suicide? The mother always says, if only my son had said something to a family member he would be alive today.

Daughter – Why didn’t my daughter want me to live and see my grandchildren grow up?

The phone call I made that first night I was suicidal, that’s something no one couldn’t ever forget. You were the first person I thought about when I called, I just didn’t know I was already dead to you yet.

The phone call I made for help to my daughter Amanda was as helpful as a dried turd on the hair of a horse’s ass. She was all worried about what she was going to tell my grandson Thomas, because my father had recently passed away.

If someone in your family had called you and was begging for help to live, wouldn’t you have called them the next day, that week or even at all? In all these years not once has my daughter called to ask how I am. More to come.

Mother –

Aunt –

Part 4 Only one person per family is allowed to have a mental health problem, others don’t count. That’s how one family member sees it.

Part 5 – How to respond to someone that is in your face and asking you for help.

Part 6 –

My final thoughts –


For those who actually give a fuck about someone you care for or love, here’s some links to visit: › depression-support-and-advocacy





Amanda M. Frey

Amanda M. Frey.

amanda frey.




Amanda Frey

amanda frey.


Amandea M frey

Amanda M. Frey.

amanda frey.


andrew may
