Blake Watson Attorney Stealing From The Public

Blake Watson Stealing From The Public

Christians don’t lie and steal.

Update: The state of Texas Attorney General ruled that Attorney Blake Watson in Bastrop Texas/Fayette County was not doing his job for the county and required Watson who is an attorney in Bastrop take another Public Information Act class on how to deal with open records requests.

Not the type of attorney I would hire.

Attorney Blake Watson makes $117,819.64 from the taxpayers of Fayette County.


Blake Watson and Fayette County Refusing to release public records

There seems to be other citizens trying to get public records from Fayette County and Blake Watson and are not getting their records either.

Blake Watson Attorney

Blake Watson Attorney for Fayette County Texas and an attorney in Bastrop Texas, is stealing from you the public because he’s refusing to release public records to the general public.

Blake Watson in Bastrop Texas is a liar and thief, can you trust someone like him?

Below is a copy from the Texas Attorney Generals Office “Open Records Division,” on how many open records have been made and Blake Watson and County Attorney Susan Supak are refusing to release to the public for a year now.





blake watson
blake watson

Blake Watson Attorney

blake watson
blake watson

Blake Watson Attorney

Blake Watson is Fayette County’s District Attorney and public information officer whose job it is to release public records to the citizens. The Public Information Act (PIA) enhances our First Amendment rights and directly benefits society because information obtained under the law could expose government “wrongdoing” and it should make a person wonder just what dirty deeds is Blake Watson and County Attorney Supak are covering up what’s really going on in Fayette County?

Blake Watson Lawyer Bastrop Texas

Bastrop. Texas. LAW OFFICE OF BLAKE WATSON – Bastrop Texas. Blake Watson Lawyer.

Blake Watson – Caught Breaking The Law And Stealing.

Blake Watson Attorney

Blake Watson lawyer in Bastrop, you can not expect “trust through transparency” with him

Blake Watson is currently stealing your money as a tax payer and breaking the law in the process.

Blake Watson is currently Assistant Attorney for Fayette County Texas. One Watson’s jobs is the (PIO) Public Information Officer for Fayette County Texas.

Blake Watson by law has 10 days to respond to a requestor asking for public records. If Watson believes that certain information shouldn’t be released because of privacy issues, he has 15 days to ask the Texas Attorney General’s Office for a ruling before releasing the records.

Blake Watson thinks he is above the law and doesn’t have to follow the laws of Texas. Instead he ignores citizens who are trying to oversee their government to see of any “wrongdoing.” Why? Who is he doing this for?

In the last year Blake Watson has refused to be transparent with the public by not following the law by not releasing public records. Blake Watson is basically getting paid by the taxpayers not to fulfill his obligation as a assistant district attorney for Fayette County Texas.

Would want a thief as an attorney?

Blake Watson Attorney Bastrop Texas

Blake Watson you really don’t want to hire an attorney that has been caught on video lying to a member of the public?

Do you expect there to be trust in the client/lawyer relationship? Not with Blake Watson.

Would you expect transparency out of your lawyer? Not with Blake Watson.

Blake Watson while he was the assistant district attorney in Fayette County is NOT accountable to the public at all, can you afford to trust him as your attorney?

Blake Watson Attorney Can Not Be Trusted

Blake Watson chooses to be above the laws of Texas

Laws for me but not for thee

The citizens in Texas, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.

Blake Watson as a lawyer is against the Public Information Act (PIA) because it enhances citizens First Amendment rights and it directly benefits society because information obtained under the law could expose government “wrongdoing” that Blake Watson is hiding.

Find the best consumer attorney serving La Grange. Compare top Texas lawyers. Bastrop Texas. lawyers in bastrop texas. lawyer.

Blake Watson who’s an attorney Broke the law and is stealing.

Bastrop Texas. blake watson attorney. blake watson lawyer. Bastrop County Attorneys. lawyer Blake Watson.

Lawyer Watson & Watson, Attorneys at Law, P.L.L.C.


Blake Watson Law And Stealing. Blake Watson lawyer.

blake watson lawyer. Blake Watson – Lawyer in Bastrop, TX. Blake Watson lawyer.

Blake Watson Personal Injury attorneys. Blake Watson who’s an attorney Broke the law and is stealing. Blake Watson lawyer.

Bastrop blake watson lawyer. Blake Watson Attorney. Law office of Attorney Blake Watson Bastrop Texas.

Attorney Blake Watson.

Our Practice – Watson & Watson, Attorneys at Law, PLLC

Find A Lawyer Blake Andrew Watson. Watson & Watson Attorneys.

Watson & Watson, Attorneys at Law is here to provide legal expertise with a hometown touch to people and businesses in the Bastrop County area. Our lawyers. Attorney Blake Watson.

Blake Watson

Blake Andrew ‘BlakeWatson. Eligible to Practice in Texas · Fayette County Attorney’s Office · Contact Information. Attorney Blake Watson.

Blake A. Watson, Lawyer in Bastrop, Texas. Watson & Watson Attorneys.

LAW OFFICE OF BLAKE A. WATSON – Bastrop, Texas. Blake Watson lawyer.

Attorney Blake Watson

Watson & Watson, Attorneys at Law is here to provide legal expertise with a hometown touch to people and businesses in the Bastrop County area. Watson & Watson Attorneys.

Find A Lawyer Blake Andrew Watson. Blake A. Watson, Lawyer in Bastrop Texas. LAW OFFICE OF BLAKE A. WATSON – Bastrop, Texas. Watson & Watson Attorneys.

Find the best consumer attorney serving La Grange. Compare top Texas lawyers. Law Office of Blake A. Watson – Bastrop, Texas.

Blake Watson Attorney

Find the best consumer attorney serving La Grange. Compare top Texas lawyers. Bastrop Texas. lawyers in bastrop texas. lawyer.

Blake Watson who’s an attorney Broke the law and is stealing.

Bastrop Texas. blake watson attorney. blake watson lawyer. Bastrop County Attorneys. lawyer Blake Watson.

Lawyer Watson & Watson, Attorneys at Law, P.L.L.C.


Blake Watson is a thief.

Blake Watson Attorney.

peggy supak

peggy supak

fayette county sheriff Texas

Bastrop police


Blake Watson Lawyer

Blake Watson an attorney in Bastrop Texas,assistant District attorney in Fayette County. Find A Lawyer Blake Andrew Watson. Blake A. Watson, Lawyer in Bastrop Texas. LAW OFFICE OF BLAKE A. WATSON – Bastrop Texas. Watson & Watson Attorneys. Attorney Blake Watson. Watson & Watson Attorneys.


Blake Watson lawyer.


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Blake Watson lawyer. Watson & Watson Attorneys.

Bastrop Texas. Blake Watson lawyer.

Blake Watson lawyer.

Bastrop Texas. Watson & Watson Attorneys.

Blake Watson lawyer.

BLAKE WATSON. Watson & Watson Attorneys.


Texas law enforcement agencies have long dealt with troublesome police officers who who frequently transfer between police departments. These bad cops are known as wandering police officers or Gypsy cops who are fired or resign from one agency because of police misconduct or unsuitable job performance and find work at another law enforcement agency.

Blake A. Watson, Lawyer in Bastrop Texas. LAW OFFICE OF BLAKE A. WATSON – Bastrop Texas. Watson & Watson Attorneys. Attorney Blake Watson. Watson & Watson Attorneys

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blake watson. Watson & Watson, Attorneys at Law is here to provide legal expertise with a hometown touch to people and businesses in the Bastrop County area. Watson & Watson Attorneys.

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blake watson. Watson & Watson, Attorneys at Law. Blake Watson an attorney in Bastrop Texas,assistant District attorney in Fayette County. Find A Lawyer Blake Andrew Watson. Blake A. Watson, Lawyer in Bastrop Texas. LAW OFFICE OF BLAKE A. WATSON