Dant Lang Brenham Texas.

Brenham Texas – Dant Lang was with the Brenham police department for over 20 years working his way up the ranks, even once being named interim police chief.
Dant “cry baby” Lang and Trey Gully were corrupt cops that watched each others backs. The public were blind to this, but not the other officers at the department.
The reasons Dant Lang no longer serves and protects the citizens?
Abusive, inconsiderate, and inflammatory language toward a civilian – loss of police property, an incident in 2021 where he failed to take appropriate action during a traffic stop involving a driver openly admitting to having marijuana – failure to obey a direct order by the chief of police – interfere with several criminal cases – policy violations, including harassment and creating a hostile work environment and racial profiling.
Police Chief Lloyd Powell has worked with Lang for 10 years, he knew what Dant Lang was like well before he became new police chief.
Dant Lang Brenham
Brenham police department. dant lang. Brenham police department, Brenham, Brenham police, Brenham texas. Brenham police department, Brenham police station. Brenham police. Brenham police department. Brenham texas, police, Brenham police. brenham police. police department. brenham texas. police. brenham police station. Brenham police. Lloyd Powell. dant lang.
Dant Lang
brenham police, brenham police department texas. police and brenham police station. police dant lang. police officer and police department. police. brenham Police Department. brenham police. Dant Lang.
Dant Lang Brenham
Dant Lang Brenham police department. Brenham police. brenham police. police department. brenham texas. police. brenham police station. Brenham police. Lloyd Powell. dant lang.