Police News on Police Officers and Police Reports
Police Officer News Police Reports on the Police
Officer Aaron Dean sentenced to more than 11 years in prison in the death of Atatiana Jefferson

Fort Worth – A white former Texas police officer who fatally shot a Black woman through a window of her home in October 2019 was sentenced to 11 years and 10 months in prison Tuesday.
The former officer, Aaron Dean, was found guilty of manslaughter Thursday in the fatal shooting of Atatiana Jefferson, 28, who had been playing video games at home with her 8-year-old nephew. Dean was responding to Jefferson’s home after a neighbor had called a nonemergency line around 2 a.m. to say he had noticed an open front door.
Police officers death maybe could have been prevented?
Montgomery County – Montgomery County deputy James Francis was indicted by a grand jury for the crash that killed his partner in 2024.
In February 2024, Francis and his colleague, Deputy Charles Rivette, were transporting a prisoner from Oklahoma to Montgomery County when the crash happened. A crash report indicates Francis “failed to control speed” when he crashed into an 18-wheeler.
The impact caused Francis’ county-issued SUV to roll over. Rivette, who worked for the sheriff’s office for 18 years, was flung from the passenger’s seat and run over by another vehicle. The initial collision sparked a chain reaction that eventually involved a total of five vehicles.
The crash report lists the posted speed limit as 75 miles per hour but doesn’t say how fast Francis was driving. The police did not do a drug and alcohol test on the deputy. That’s standard practice in Texas when someone is killed in an accident.
* I would think that an 18 year veteran would have told his partner to slow down or pay attention to the road?
* There’s doubt that the deputy was not wearing a seat belt. Buckle up!
Former Coffee City police chief and mayor appear in court

Athens – Former Coffee City chief of police John Jay Portillo, 52, and former mayor Frank Serrato, 54, appeared in Henderson County court for status hearings.
Both are charged with multiple counts of tampering with government records.
They are scheduled to appear again in court for hearings on April 14.
A investigation in last year that preceded the council’s decision exposed questionable practices within the force. This includes increasing the police force to 50 officers for a town of barely 250 people with over half of those cops being previously suspended, demoted, terminated, or dishonorably discharged from their past law enforcement jobs.
The city was making over a Million dollars a year off of speeding tickets.
Police Officer arrested for sexual assault, crimes against a minor

Monahans, Texas – Texas DPS confirmed Benjamin McGilvray has been charged with: 3 counts – Sexual Assault (Felony 2), 1 count – Online Solicitation of a Minor (Felony 2), 1 count – Online Solicitation of a Minor (Felony 3) and 1 count – Child Grooming (Felony 3)
Police officers across America were kicked in the balls
Terrorist who stormed the capital on Jan. 6 and injured 140 police officers and causing five to die later from the result of the attack, have been pardon by the president.
Some of the people that were pardon had criminals records of rape and domestic violence. Maybe even eating dogs?
Police officers and police unions are very shocked by the pardons. Police unions gave a lot of money to the president for his election and now their pissed!
Don’t use fingerprint to lock your phone
Police can physically make you unlock your phone
As we keep more and more personal data on our phones, iPhone and Android devices now have some of the most advanced encryption technology in existence to keep that information safe from prying eyes. The easiest way around that, of course, is for someone to gain access to your phone.
A federal court decided that police officers can make you unlock your phone, even by physically forcing you to press your thumb against it.
Medina County sheriff’s deputy was fired for reporting fellow deputy’s unlawful search
Medina County Texas – Sheriff Randy Brown terminates a deputy for snitching on a bad cop.
DPS trooper makes plea in use of force case, surrenders TCOLE license
Zachary Maini, a former trooper with the Texas Department of Public Safety, pleaded no contest Wednesday to Official Oppression, a Class A misdemeanor.
Officer Stephen Wall fired over concerns how he handled a traffic stop
Rockdale – A Rockdale police officer was fired after an investigation found he violated multiple departmental policies during a traffic stop.
Former officer Stephen Wall was placed on administrative leave after the Rockdale Police Department became aware of citizens’ concerns while Wall was conducting a “felony” traffic stop on two people in a vehicle.
Montgomery County deputy meets 15-year-old boy for sex

Conroe – Montgomery County Sheriff Deputy Landon Slatter, 42, is charged with online solicitation of a minor and sexual assault of a child after allegedly meeting an underage boy for sex multiple times beginning when he was 15.
According to court documents, Slatter first began messaging the victim in July 2023 when he was 15. Authorities say the two had sex at a hotel that same month and then at least two more times at the victim’s home.
Police officers on the border are committing more crimes in Texas

Texas police officers continue to be arrested for crimes at the border, including human and drug smuggling and trafficking, sexual assault and producing and distributing child sexual abuse content.
Houston Police Captain Daryn Blake Edwards faces additional felony charges for child sex crimes

Houston Police – Houston Police Department Captain Daryn Blake Edwards is facing two more charges related to child sex crimes, according to authorities.
The League City Police Department said they arrested Edwards at his home in Galveston County on charges of possession of child pornography. He allegedly had the images on his phone.
According to HPD, Edwards is a 32-year veteran who serves as the captain of the Auto Theft Division.
Three Polk County jailers arrested, accused of assaulting an inmate

Polk County – The Texas Rangers have announced that three Polk County Sheriff’s Department jailers have been arrested after they were accused of assaulting an inmate.
The Texas Rangers arrested Ty Paredes, 27, of Shepherd, Christopher Damian, 29, of Livingston, and Agapito Correa, 31, of Conroe. Each man has a felony charge of Aggravated Assault by a Public Servant.
Police officers are not you friend

Jailer slammed a handcuffed female inmate his boss gives a good reference to be hired as a Houston police officer
Houston – A former Harris County detention officer who switched departments just weeks after being caught on camera violently slamming a woman to the ground was hired by the Houston Police Department with a favorable employment review.
Deven Ortiz, 22, graduated from the Houston Police Academy in November 2024, but was fired by January when the video of his prior actions came to light.
While working as a detention officer at the Harris County jail, Oritz was caught on video pushing a handcuffed woman into a wall before forcefully slamming her to the ground. It happened in January 2024. Weeks later, he applied with the Houston police department.
Deputy Constable accused of stealing while in uniform from Walmart stores

Humble Texas – Deputy Constable Perry Wesley has been working at Harris County Constable Precinct 7 for more than 15 years, most recently serving eviction papers. Now, he’s in jail.
Investigators believe Wesley stole about $1,900 worth of merchandise during multiple trips to the stores from October until now.
“Some items include a phone charger, that I’ve read, dog food, antifreeze, different items throughout the store, personal items.
Judge agrees that police departments don’t have hire smart police officers

If you have an I.Q. of 125 or above, you’re too smart to be a police officer and probably won’t be hired. Police departments are looking for people with an I.Q. of 104 or below.
85-114: Average
115-129: Above average or bright
Just like the military, police departments are looking for people who will do as they’re told without thinking if it’s right or wrong.
Texas State Trooper Pablo Talavera Jr. sentenced for Lying to FBI in Drug Trafficking Investigation
Pablo Talavera Jr., from Pharr, Texas, was sentenced to 18 months in federal slammer after pleading guilty in August to lying to the FBI. During an investigation into a drug trafficking ring, prosecutors said.
The investigation that charged Talavera began back in 2019. It targeted a criminal organization shipping hefty loads of meth, heroin, and cocaine from the Rio Grande Valley to Tennessee., Fed agents discovered the operation was run by none other than Talavera’s father, who’s now clocking 21 years in federal lockup.
Missouri City police under investigation for throwing out evidence
MISSOURI CITY, Texas- A criminal investigation into the Missouri City Police Department is underway after county officials learned evidence was thrown away without a court order.
A Fort Bend County District Attorney’s office spokesman said there was a water leak in a room where Missouri City PD stored evidence in October. Evidence related to an estimated 100 cases was damaged and grew mold. Someone in the department threw the affected evidence away.
Texas police officer accused of sex crimes involving Tulsa teen arrested on federal charges
Corpus Christi – Police said a Corpus Christi police officer Danny Bean accused of sex crimes involving a 15-year-old girl living in Tulsa was arrested on federal charges on Sunday.
Tulsa Police said an officer responded to Saint Francis Children’s Hospital and met with a mother who discovered her 15-year-old daughter was having sexual conversations with a 31-year-old Corpus Christi police officer.
San Angelo police officers retire, suspended after investigation into stolen guns
San Angelo – Lieutenant Brain Robinson retires while under investigation over stolen guns.
One San Angelo Police Department lieutenant has retired and two have been suspended after an internal investigation into stolen firearms, according to police.
Texas Rangers handled the independent criminal investigation, police said. It is under review by the Texas Attorney General’s Office.
Former Harris Co. Sheriff’s Office deputy sued twice for allegedly violating civil rights
Harris County Sheriff – A former Harris County Sheriff deputy Christopher Bolin who is currently a Precinct 2 Constables deputy is at the center of two federal lawsuits. He’s accused of being violent on the job and infringing on civil rights.
Waller Sheriff Deputy Allows Dangerous Criminal To Escape
Waller Sheriff Department – A Waller deputy left a prisoner alone in a hospital and given enough time to unhand cuff himself and unlock the leg shackles and escape.
The Waller County Deputy Sheriff left unattended a criminal that has assaulted a police officer, child indecency, narcotics charges, fraud, assault family violence causing bodily injury, unlawful carrying of a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon, invalid license, possession of drug paraphernalia and now escape from custody.
Police union says that police officers safety now in danger even more because of Trump January 6 pardons
Is Killing or hurting police officers is going be the new norm with no consequences?
Fraternal Order of Police and International Association of Chiefs of Police criticize blanket clemency to 1,500 criminals.
The largest police union in the US, which endorsed Trump during his campaign, said Trump’s decision to pardon more than 1,500 people convicted over the January 6 insurrection “sends a dangerous message.”
“Crimes against law enforcement are not just attacks on individuals or public safety – they are attacks on society and undermine the rule of law. Allowing those convicted of these crimes to be released early diminishes accountability and devalues the sacrifices made by courageous law enforcement officers and their families.
El Paso Police Department officer arrested, accused of stealing cash at crash scene
El Paso Texas – Officer Ruben Morales, 25, was arrested on Wednesday, Jan. 31, on a charge of theft over $2,500, a state jail felony, following an investigation into allegations that arose in December.
The theft allegedly occurred on Dec. 13, when Morales responded to a hit-and-run crash.
An investigation began after the vehicle owner reported that cash, which had been inside a locked glove box and a small bag inside the vehicle, was missing, police said. The investigation resulted in the arrest of Morales.
Dallas police are told not to arrest people in possession of marijuana, instead give them citations
Dallas Texas- Dallas police are now instructed to not arrest citizens, instead give them citations for marijuana possession of 4 ounces or less.
Also police can no longer can they “consider the odor of marijuana as probable cause for search and seizure, except as part of a violent felony or high priority narcotics felony investigations.”
Dallas police officers have new marching orders when it comes to enforcement of arrests and citations for marijuana possession with the implementation of Proposition R.
Proposition R, also dubbed the “Dallas Freedom Act” by supporters, passed with 66% of the vote in the November election.
‘Get the F-ck on the Ground!’: Police Officer Annoyed By Man Questioning His Detainment for Jaywalking Officer Kills him, or did he?
San Antonio Texas – A police officer detained a man for jaywalking last month before chasing him on foot after the man ran away. Allegedly the man pulled a gun and the officer shoot at him 15 times during the pursuit. Police say he died by a bullet to the chest. Now police are saying that the man died from a self-inflicted gunshot to the head.
Oath Keepers leader is a former Las Vegas police detective who welcomed ‘race war’
Details about Utah-based Robert Kinch, who backed ‘race war’, suggest rightwing militia has retained links with police.
The man in control of the Utah-based rightwing militia Oath Keepers USA, a recent spinoff of the national organization first established by Stewart Rhodes in 2009, is a former Las Vegas metropolitan police department (LVMPD) homicide detective who left the force in acrimony after advocating “race war”.
Officer Cody Mitchell Burris caught looking at child porn
Eustace Texas – Eustace officer Cody Mitchell Burris, 32, of Tyler, was arrested on Saturday on a charge of possession of child pornography with intent to promote. According to Eustace Mayor Dustin Shelton, his resignation was submitted immediately after the arrest.
Burris was linked to the illicit activity after a search warrant for the involved IP addresses found images of him sitting in an apparent police car, the affidavit says. The document goes on to say that Shelton was able to identify the pictures as Burris, who Shelton confirmed was an active police officer for the city at the time.
Austin police department very transparent when it comes to bad police officers
This police documents in the link below memorializes the temporary suspension or demotion of a Austin police officer. This document reveals details of the original incident, the investigation and the findings/determinations made by the officers supervisors. This document can be released to the public to communicate disciplinary decisions made by the Austin Police Department. These memos are authored by the Austin Police Department and made public by the Office of Police Oversight.
Click the link below and see Austin bad police officers
Windcrest police officer under investigation for sexual assault, charged with tampering with evidence
Windcrest Texas – Windcrest police officer arrested on a tampering with evidence charge is also being investigated for sexual assault.
It’s alleged in an affidavit that 23-year-old Sean Sonnen-Cortez found narcotics on the woman he arrested on May 17, 2023 and then poured out a portion of what was recovered.
The woman claims Sonnen-Cortez had her perform oral sex on him in the restroom while she was in custody at a holding facility…
Why I Hated Being a Police Officer
You now need a peace officer’s license to become a sheriff in Texas
Texas – Texas passed a law that candidates for sheriff now need to have a peace officers license. Up until now, there was no law enforcement certification required to run.

That’s right anyone could have been a sheriff in Texas, even Cletus.
Another Lewisville police officer turns self in after arrest warrants issued over alleged sexual
Lewisville Texas – A warrant has been issued for the arrest of a former Lewisville police officer after he allegedly engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with a citizen while on duty.
Former officer Filemon Perez is charged with official oppression and sexual assault following the incident, which took place during Thanksgiving week, Lewisville police said in a news release.
Texas Cops Fired for ‘Inappropriate’ Sexual Contact With Massage Workers
Lewisville Texas – Eleven Texas police officers have been disciplined for misconduct related to prostitution stings at massage parlors. Some of the officers are accused of inappropriate physical conduct with alleged sex workers during the stings, while others are accused of failing to stop or report this misconduct. Thirteen officers were investigated, and three wound up fired as a result.
Lubbock County deputy arrested, charged with distribution of confidential information
Lubbock Texas – Deputy Derek Johnson was arrested after being charged with distributing confidential information has been released on bond.
If a police officer is caught giving private information of citizens to the cartel or Mafia, the officer can get no more than 6 months in a county jail.
Cedar Hill police officer was accused of soliciting sex from a DWI suspect and, already under investigation for similar behavior with a victim of domestic violence
Cedar Hill Texas – Officer Don Mercer of Cedar Hill police department was accused of soliciting sex from a DWI suspect, he was already under investigation for similar behavior with a victim of domestic violence, internal records reveal.
George Floyd

George Floyd
Deputy indicted over a year after arrest for leaving 2-month-old baby in vehicle
San Antonio Texas – A former Bexar County Sheriff’s Office deputy has been indicted over a year after his arrest for leaving his 2-month-old baby inside a vehicle alone for approximately three hours, according to online court records.
Antonio Almaraz, 32, was indicted on Dec. 17 on a charge of injury to a child SBI reckless, a second-degree felony, records show.
Former Uvalde schools police chief Pete Arredondo loses bid to toss criminal charges
Uvalde Texas – A Texas judge on Thursday refused to throw out criminal charges accusing the former Uvalde schools police chief of putting children at risk during the slow response to the 2022 Robb Elementary School shooting, while a lawyer for his co-defendant said they want to move the upcoming trial out of the small town where the massacre occurred.
At a court hearing in Uvalde, Judge Sid Harle rejected Pete Arredondo’s claim that was he improperly charged and that only the shooter was responsible for putting the victims in danger. Nineteen children and two teachers were killed in the shooting on May 24, 2022.
Sheriff’s Deputy Lied About Drug Use

Waco Texas – A former McLennan County sheriff’s deputy is free on bond after his arrest this week on a charge he lied about his illegal drug use during a job application process with the Bruceville-Eddy Police Department.
Deputy Caleb Christian Allred admitted to use methamphetamine because he couldn’t get an erection.
Caleb Christian Allred, 32, of McGregor, was released from the McLennan County Jail Thursday after posting a $5,000 bond following his arrest on a state-jail felony tampering with government record charge.
Pervert police officer commits suicide

San Antonio police officer William Kasberg died by suicide was under investigation for recording a teenager without their consent inside a bathroom.
Texas police officer accused of kidnapping young girl

UPDATE: Orange County deputy accused of kidnapping a 12-year-old girl now charged with DWI.
Vidor Texas – Police in Vidor say a former school resource officer has been jailed on a charge of kidnapping a 12-year-old girl from her home and taking her to Lake Charles before bringing her back to Vidor.
Vidor Police Department was notified of an individual picking up and transporting a 12-year-old girl to Lake Charles, according to Chief Carroll. The child was returned to her home the same morning.
Texas DPS trooper arrested for barging into a strangers home

Texas DPS Trooper Jacob McKeon has been arrested in Henderson County after the sheriff’s department says he barged into a home and told the family that he was looking for a girl that he claimed was his niece.
According to investigators, trooper Mckeon went into the bedroom of the parents of the homeowner and woke them up yelling “Wake up. I’m the law, and you’re going to jail.” Investigators say the homeowner’s mother told him to get out of the house, but he refused and yelled expletives at her.
Texas DPS Files on Texas Troopers
Austin police officer sentenced to two years killing mentally ill man
Austin Texas – Austin police officer Christopher Taylor has been sentenced to two years in prison for the deadly shooting of Mauris DeSilva in 2019.
Taylor is believed to be the first officer ever convicted in Travis County for an on-duty fatal shooting and the first to face a prison sentence.
In early October, a jury found Taylor guilty of deadly conduct in DeSilva’s death. DeSilva was experiencing a mental health crisis and was holding a knife when police were called to his Downtown Austin condo building.
Bastrop Police Officer To Pay $1 Million In Financial Exploitation Case
Bastrop Texas – A Bastrop County jury has returned a verdict of $1,001,489 against retired Bastrop police officer Patrick Amy for taking financial advantage of an elderly widow.
Jury Orders Dallas Ex-Officer Amber Guyger to Pay $98M for Entering Wrong Apartment Killing Man
A jury has ordered former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger to pay $98 million in damages for the fatal 2018 shooting of Botham Jean in his home.
The award includes $60 million in punitive damages and $38 million in compensatory damages for Jean’s family. Guyger, currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for murder.
Orange Police Officers Shoot Man 25 Times
Orange Texas – An Army veteran who was killed last month by police after a high-speed car chase had 25 gunshot wounds in his head, arms, legs and torso, according to an autopsy report. Jeremy Culp, 32, was shot by police after the armed veteran crashed his truck and attempted to surrender to authorities.
Jeremy Culp, 32, was shot by police after the armed veteran crashed his truck and attempted to surrender to authorities. His death is considered a homicide, according to Forensic Medical of Texas, which performed the autopsy at the request of Hershel Stagner, a justice of the peace in Orange County, where the incident took place.
13 North Texas police officers disciplined for misconduct in prostitution investigation
Lewisville Texas – The Lewisville Police Department released the details of the internal affairs investigation in an announcement Friday. The statement by Police Chief Brook Rollins explained that the case involving the department’s street crimes unit was opened in June.
In October 2022, the unit had been assigned to look into allegations of prostitution at nine of Lewisville’s massage parlors and another in Flower Mound. The operation led to 32 criminal charges against 28 suspects across 23 cases.
The Denton County district attorney’s office dropped the charges after it was found that the undercover officers had “inappropriate contact” with the suspected prostitutes. The department’s internal investigation also confirmed that 13 of its members had “violated one or more Department directives or protocols.”
Though the police chief stated there was no evidence of sex between the officers and prostitution suspects, the extent of the “inappropriate contact” was unclear. Rollins also noted that after probable cause for arrest has been established, any continuing physical contact “is deemed inappropriate.”
Officer Gerald Goines found guilty of murder is sentenced to 60 years in prison during Harding street raid

HOUSTON – The jury deliberated for more than 10 hours before sentencing Gerald Goines, the former Houston Police Department officer, to 60 years in prison.
Goines, who was found guilty of two counts of felony murder for his involvement in the 2019 Harding Street raid that led to the deaths of Dennis Tuttle, Rhogena Nicholas, and their dog.
Goines received concurrent 60-year sentences for the deaths of Tuttle and Nicholas, with eligibility for parole in 30 years and a potential fine of up to $10,000.
As Judge Veronica Nelson delivered the sentencing, Goines, held in an inmate room at the courthouse, showed little emotion, simply clasping his hands and bowing his head.
Goines was found guilty of two counts of murder in the that resulted in the 2019 Harding Street raid deaths of Dennis Tuttle, Rhogena Nicholas, and their dog.
Houston FBI agent admits to stealing from homes during warranted searches
Houston Texas – A former federal agent now faces a decade in prison after admitting to stealing money and property during searches, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
According to the office of U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani, 37-year-old Nicholas Anthony Williams stole from multiple homes while executing search warrants between March 2022 and July 2023.
Texas Rangers investigating McLennan Co. Sheriff ordered deputy to work at his farm on taxpayers’ dime
Waco Texas – The Texas Rangers have confirmed they are investigating reports that McLennan County Sheriff Parnell McNamara improperly ordered a deputy to work at McNamara’s farm over a three-year period while the deputy was on the county payroll.
Texas Police officer receives $21 million for wrongful termination
QUITMAN, Texas — A former East Texas police officer was awarded $21.35 million Thursday after a jury found he was wrongfully terminated and retaliated against by elected officials in Wood County Texas.
On Thursday, jurors found former Quitman Mayor David Dobbs, former Wood County Sheriff Tom Castloo, former Wood County District Attorney James Wheeler, former 421st District Court Judge Jeff Fletcher and the city of Quitman participated in a conspiracy to terminate former Quitman Police Department Capt. Terry Bevill in retaliation for using his First Amendment rights, according to court documents.
Names of the Texas DPS Cowards That Allowed Children Be Murdered in Uvlade
Texas Department of Public Safety is still refusing to release the names of the Texas DPS troopers that stood outside of Robb Elementary school and listened to children screaming for their lives as they were murdered.
I have been provided some of the names and will be receiving more.
“Who failed Uvalde? Texas DPS!”
A total of 92 Texas DPS troopers stood outside Robb elementary and listened to children begging for their lives as the Texas Troopers just stood there and did nothing as the children were murdered.
Yet when the public protest at colleges started here in Texas because of the genocide the U.S. government is allowing Israel to do to the Palestinians, well seems Governor Abbott could care less about children being murdered by Israel. So what does Texas Governor Greg Abbott do? He sends in 100 Texas DPS troopers in full riot gear and military fatigues to break up the protest.
When it comes to children the Texas DPS troopers are cowards when it comes to saving children. Put them in riot gear and they are ready to rush in and bust some heads open. Cowards!
“But what do you expect…. one AR-15 keeps 376 coward officers at bay.”
Police Reports and Police Records on the Texas Department of Public Safety
Uvalde police officers ‘exonerated’ for being cowards
UVALDE Texas – Families of children killed at Robb Elementary School walked out of a Uvalde City Council meeting Thursday as the city unveiled a report that recommended all Uvalde police officers be exonerated of wrongdoing in their response to the shooting.
The independent investigation commissioned by the City of Uvalde left families demanding accountability for officers who waited over an hour to intervene as a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers.
Former Austin Police Department detective Jesse Prado examined the actions of each Uvalde police officer as they responded to the deadliest school shooting in Texas history on May 24, 2022.
The report recommends that each police officer should be “exonerated,” stating in most of their cases: “No evidence of serious acts of misconduct in direct violation of Uvalde Police Department’s policies was found in his behavior in response to the incident. I find that (this officer) acted in good faith.”
The meeting often erupted into frustrated screaming, the crowd chanting “coward” directed toward Prado as he left the room shortly after his remarks. Pressure from the crowd brought him back, in which he spent about an hour listening to families lambast his report.
Police Records on Uvalde Police
Uvalde police officers subpoenaed by Texas grand jury over school shooting response
Law enforcement agents who responded to the 2022 Uvalde school mass shooting have been ordered to appear before a grand jury investigating police response, according to a report.
On 24 May 2022, a gunman walked into the Robb Elementary School, Texas, and killed 21 people, including 19 students and two adults.
Questions were raised on police response as it took 77 minutes to stop the 18-year-old shooter after he first entered the school.
‘Cascading failures’ in police response to Uvalde school shooting DOJ report finds
It took 600 pages just to say that Texas troopers, Uvalde police and the Uvalde sheriff’s department were COWARDS!
UVALDE, Texas – A 575-page document from the Department of Justice reveals themes related to leadership, as well as a lack of communication, collaboration and cooperation in the days and months following.
Houston undercover police arrested arrested for allegedly assaulting wife
DEER PARK Texas — A Houston Police Department officer has been relieved of duty pending an investigation after he was arrested for assault, officials said on Saturday.
According to information from Deer Park police, Rios and his wife got into an argument at about 11:50 p.m. Friday at their home. During the argument, Valeriano allegedly threw a metal cup, hitting her in the leg and prompting her to call police, charging documents read.
Rios was arrested by Deer Park police and booked into the Harris County Jail. He is charged with misdemeanor assault.
On Sunday, records show that Rios posted his $2,500 bond and is not allowed to have contact with his wife.
Police officer gave THC candy to his babysitter
A former Abilene Police Officer is behind bars after pleading guilty to the second-degree felony charge giving tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to a minor.
Officer Becker gave THC-laced candy to a minor who was babysitting for his youngest child.
Adam Wade Becker was sentenced only to 90 days in jail.
Houston police officer arrested for DWI
Houston Texas — A Houston Police Department sergeant was relieved of duty after being arrested on a DWI charge.
Police added that Tabora was sworn in as an officer in December 2011 and assigned to the Downtown Patrol division.
Matagorda County sheriff’s deputy Steven Riddles Jr. arrested
Deputy Steven Riddles Jr. fired at least one shot into the home, where his wife, two children and another unidentified adult were there.
Deputy Riddles was arrested and charged with felony II aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. His bond was set at $200,000.
Officer threatened to shoot his ex and other kids in the home
Orange County Precinct 4 Constable Matt Ortego, who is also a former deputy with the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department.
Ortego’s ex-wife called Vidor Police Dispatch at about 1:05 a.m. on Sunday, November 26th. She said their daughter, who was at the home, called her and was crying, saying Ortego threatened to shoot her and other kids in the home.
Steve Westbrook Caught Stealing Funds From the Sheriffs’ Association of Texas
Brenham Texas – Steve Westbrook has stepped down as the executive director of the Sheriffs’ Association of Texas (SAT) amid accusations of misappropriating organization funds.
Steve Westbrook threw away 46 years in law enforcement. Westbrook said he would pay back the money that he stole from the the last 5-7 years.
San Jacinto County Greg Capers is reportedly under an FBI investigation
San Jacinto County Sheriff-The FBI is investigating sheriff Greg Capers who faced complaints of corruption from his own deputies for years before drawing broader scrutiny for his agency’s response to a mass shooting, according to a woman “whistleblower” interviewed by federal agents.
Officer who murdered George Floyd was stabbed in prison

Police officer Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd was stabbed in prison
Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of killing George Floyd, was stabbed 22 times in prison. Official say that Chauvin is in “stable” condition and is expected to survive.
Panola Texas Sheriff’s Deputy Torey McLemore Arrested

Panola County Texas Sheriff’s Office Deputy Torey Obryan McLemore, 33, was arrested by Texas Ranger Glenn Davenport and charged with Class C theft and abuse of official capacity.
According to court records, the arrest stemmed from an alleged theft of 17 gallons of gasoline from the county’s fuel pump in February. The value of the gasoline was listed at $47.76.
McLemore resigned his position and was terminated from county employment before he was booked into the Panola County Detention Center Monday, Clinton said. According to Panola County Court-At-Law records he was later released on Monday after paying a $400 fine for the Class C theft charge and on a $750 personal recognizance bond for the abuse of official capacity.
Fair Oaks Ranch Texas Police officer of the year was fired for exposing chief’s possible misconduct

Fair Oaks Ranch Texas – A former officer of the year for the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department said she was fired this month after exposing multiple acts of misconduct by the department’s chief.
Lacey Gonzalez, a six-year veteran of the small department located northwest of San Antonio, was separated from the agency on Oct. 6, months after detailing a myriad of possible rules violations by Chief Tim Moring in a 14-page written complaint.
Comal County Texas sheriff’s deputies sex on the Job

Moaning sounds like sexual gratification.” A Comal County Sheriff’s Office sergeant and deputy lost their jobs earlier this year after failing to disclose to their administration that they had been involved in a sexual relationship.
Deputy Pasquale Salas sentenced for child pornography
Matagorda County – Pasquale Salas, a former deputy with the Matagorda County Sheriff’s Office at the time of his crimes, pleaded guilty to the production and possession of child pornography.
Judge ordered Salas to serve 30 years for the production conviction and an additional two years for the possession conviction, 32 years in total.
Liberty police lieutenant sold police information as a side job
Liberty Texas – Liberty police lieutenant Philip Fairchild is accused of using his badge to make thousands of extra dollars over more than two years, according to court documents.
He allegedly used the police department TLOXP database to conduct background investigations for private organizations, according to court documents. “It would go beyond a regular criminal history check, it would be a more extensive criminal history check that would invade people’s privacy.”
He charged $50 per background check, and investigators have documented at least 79 background checks that he completed for pay, but there may be more.
Deputy Robert Joe Stanford faces life sentence for allegations of child sex abuse
Centerville Texas – A former Leon County sheriff’s deputy Robert Joe Stanford is facing the possibility of spending the next 25 years to life in prison if convicted after being accused of sexually assaulting a child multiple times in 2020.
According to the indictment, Stanford allegedly inappropriately touched a child under the age of 14 multiple times between January and June of 2020.
Houston police officer exposes himself to women
Houston Texas – Officer William Logan McCoy would expose himself in hope that women would admire his penis.
Former Floresville Texas police officer sues city, supervisors for retaliation
Floresville Texas – Former officer Christopher Perez’s was a good cop who snitched on bad cops.
Tiny Texas town with 250 residents and 50 cops fires its entire police department
Coffee Texas – A very small town in Texas, which had five cops for every resident, has fired its entire police department after a local station reported tickets totaling more than $1 million had been issued by officers.
Conroe police officer arrested for felony theft
Conroe Texas – Officer Raymond McCreary an 18-year veteran officer has been arrested and charged with a Felony 3 Theft by a Public Servant, according to the Conroe Police Department.
On Thursday, CPD said that 42-year-old officer Raymond McCreary was arrested for Felony 3 Theft by a Public Servant.
Police officer under investigation amidst ties to auto theft ring
Houston Texas – Houston police officer Keith Roy Jr. is off the job and under investigation for allegedly providing information to a car theft ring, according to a search warrant.
According to a search warrant signed Monday, HPD’s Homicide-Special Investigations Unit wants full access to Roy’s phone, including videos, photographs, text messages, call history, GPS data, and any social media posts or messaging contained within. During the course of an auto theft ring investigation, the affidavit says, Roy was implicated.
Two Texas police officers fired over drawing of swastika
Southlake Texas – Two Southlake police officers accused of drawing a swastika while on break from a department meeting have been fired, officials said.
Deputies who reported Texas sheriff to corruption investigators say nothing was done
A Texas sheriff who’s been the subject of years of complaints about dysfunction and corruption was repeatedly reported to state and federal law enforcement by his own deputies — yet an outside investigation never gained momentum.
Two of San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers’ former deputies said they tried to get the Texas Rangers to look into wrongdoing in the sheriff’s office when they worked there, but the state’s elite investigative agency did little to pursue a case. One of them later gave a detailed interview to an officer with the FBI’s regional public corruption taskforce but said it was met with the same result.
Drunk Bee County sheriff’s deputy shoots at car
Mission Texas – A Bee County sheriff’s deputy was arraigned at the Mission Municipal Court on Tuesday after she allegedly fired a gun at a car full of people.
According to Mission Police Chief Cesar Torres, Alvarado was at a McAllen bar with two friends when they got into a disturbance with another group.
Deputy livestreamed traffic stop on TikTok and revealed personal info
Dallas County commissioners unanimously approved a $25,000 settlement to end a lawsuit in which a man accused a sheriff’s deputy of violating his privacy by livestreaming a March 2021 traffic stop.
Earlier this year, Torry Osby, a Tarrant County resident, sued Dallas County and Deputy Francisco Castillo. In the lawsuit, Osby said Castillo livestreamed — without his consent — an encounter on March 2, 2021, when he was pulled over for speeding.

Philip Mitchell Brailsford
Dallas cop arrested for shooting at another police officer
A Dallas police officer was arrested on an aggravated assault charge Friday for allegedly shooting at another officer while the pair were off duty.
Harris county Texas deputy terminated as child sexual assault investigation underway
Deputy Paul Fernandez has not been charged but was terminated from his role due to the accusations.
Deputy James Brennand has been released in the shooting teen eating hamburger
Deputy Brennand posted $200,000 bond after he was charged with aggravated assault by a public official.
Texas officer fired after shooting teenager eating a Hamburger
San Antonio Texas – Officer James Brennand was fired after shooting Erik Cantu, 17, on Oct. 2 in a fast food restaurant parking lot.
Uvalde school hires a coward Texas trooper was at the school the day of the massacre
Officer Crimson Elizondo a former Texas state trooper now under investigation for her conduct in responding to the Uvalde school shooting rampage, was among the new officers hired for the Uvalde school district police department. She has since been fired, after when parents found out the school had hired her.

High-ranking deputy arrested in prostitution sting
Chief Deputy Brian Harris of Texas.
Texas Trooper charged with assaulting a family member
Texas state trooper Salome Salinas charged with assault causing bodily injury to a family member. Salome Salinas was a sergeant before he resigned.
Police officer is fired for using “unnecessary and/or inappropriate force against a citizen”
Sergeant James Bristo, who’s been with Dallas Police Department for 34 years, is being charged only a misdemeanor for official oppression.
Today Was the First Day Back to School in Uvalde Texas
The same cowardly police officers that allowed children to be murdered are back on the job today. What their duties will be are not sure at this point, because it sure isn’t protecting children.

Here’s a Link to the names of all the Uvalde police officers, Uvalde sheriff deputies and Texas DPS troopers. By the way there were 91 DPS Troopers at the school shooting, they out numbered the local police 2:1. Texas DPS is still trying to deflect any blame towards themselves. They were just there as observers.
Because of cowards with badges, these children didn’t make it to school today.

Police Chief Pete Arredondo Terminated
Aug 24 2022 – Uvalde school board fires Pete Arredondo for his much-criticised handling of the mass shooting that killed 19 children and two teachers.
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