Marley Mayo Brenham Police Officer Found Not Guilty

Officer Marley Mayo found NOT guilty for Family Violence

February 2024 – A trial was held for Marley Mayo, who was charged with Assault Causing Bodily Injury to a Family Member and Interfering with an Emergency Request for Assistance.  The verdict by Washington County Court at Law Judge Eric Berg was not guilty on both counts.

The dispute concerned officer Mayo and officer Kevin Mertz, now a former member of the Brenham Police Department, as well as a second woman whom Mertz was secretly involved with at the same time he was in a relationship with Mayo. 

The scuffle ensued after, according to the prosecution, Mayo came to Mertz’ home in the early morning hours of August 22, 2021 to spend the night, when she discovered the other woman at the residence. 

None of the three parties involved chose to press charges, according to Mayo’s defense attorney, Paul Looney.  Charges were filed on Mayo by the county, who charged that, along with the assault, she attempted to block Mertz from calling 911. 

During the trial, Kevin mertz admitted that he initiated physical contact in the dispute with Mayo.  He also said he had never taken away Mayo’s permission to come into his home. 

In addition, Mertz said he did not initially tell Mayo he was calling 911, and that she only tried to stop him from making the call when she believed he was calling her mother.  He stated that once he confirmed he was calling police, she did not try to stop him from doing so.  

Further, Mertz admitted to trying to get the charges against Mayo dropped on the basis that he lied in the police report to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.

A statement from Washington County Attorney Renee Mueller said the prosecution “felt the evidence proved the case beyond a reasonable doubt,” but respected the decision of the judge.  It also read, “Domestic violence cases are difficult cases with victims often recanting and blaming themselves.  However, the problem is widespread and often downplayed in our community and country, and it often effects many generations.”

Why didn’t County Attorney Renee Mueller file charges on Mertz for giving false police statement?

Police Mug Shot Officer Marley Mayo punched by her ex-boyfriend Officer Mertz

Police reports posted below

Brenham Texas – On 08.08.21 a Sheriff’s Deputy was dispatched at midnight to a residence because a man and woman had gotten into a fight. When the deputy arrived at the residence he noticed the woman was Brenham Police Officer Marley Mayo. Officer Mayo had blood above her left eye.

Officer Mayo told the deputy she was at the residence at midnight to pick up her daughter. Officer Mayo told the deputy that a physical altercation began between her and her ex-boyfriend Kevin Mertz, who is also a police officer with the Brenham Police Department. Officer Mayo told the deputy that she was punched in the face by officer Mertz.

The deputy was told by officer Kevin Mertz, that she had come over at midnight unannounced demanding to get their daughter. Mertz told the deputy it was his weekend to have his daughter and Officer Mayo was supposed to pick her daughter up until later that day.

Officer Kevin Mertz informed the deputy that Officer Mayo went into his house which he told her to leave. He informed the deputy while they were in the residence they were pushing each other around and Officer Mayo began to hit him.

The deputy noticed a camera on the front porch and asked if the incident was recorded. The deputy was told everything had been recorded.

The deputy watched the video footage and saw Office Mayo and her officer Mertz leave the house and go onto the front porch. The deputy said he observed Officer Mayo punching Officer Mertz several times, while Mertz was trying to push her away.

The deputy said he saw the Mertz was on his cell phone trying to call 911. The deputy said he saw Officer Mayo taking the phone away, preventing Mertz from calling the police.

The deputy said he observed the officer Mertz push Officer Mayo off the poach, which she returned and started hitting Mertz again. Officer Mertz then took Officer Mayo to the ground while she continued to hit him. Kevin Mertz then punched Officer Mayo once in the face.

After watching the video the deputy arrested Officer Marley Mayo for assault causing bodily injury family violence and for taking away the phone when her ex was trying to call 911, both Class A Misdemeanors.

Officer Mayo spent only 4 hours in jail and a judge released her on a $10,000 bond.

Officer Marley Mayo had been with the Brenham Police Department for almost 4 years and had just recently got the job title as Community Relations Officer. Before becoming a police officer she was a Hair Stylist in Glidden Texas.

Officer Marley Mayo

If you use a cell phone it helps to turn your phone vertical to read the police reports. There’s also a link at the bottom of the page to the police reports.

Police Arrest Report

4 pages


Brenham Police

Brenham Police Reports




police officers

first amendment audit

Kevin Mertz


Marley Mayo

Brenham police police reports – officers – police – police officers. police brutality and police news. police department, kevin mertz. police news and police reports on police officers. police officer. police department – police brutality – police station. police news – police officers. Brenham police department

police officers – police reports – police officers. Brenham police. police reports and police news. police officers – police department, police news and police reports on police officers. police officers. police. police brutality cases. police department. Brenham police. kevin mertz.

Brenham police department. police, police brutality cases. police department near me, police officers. police brutality and police officers. Brenham police. police department, police news and Brenham police department. police reports and police department. police brutality. Police officers. kevin mertz.

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